__GAME__: Fortnite
__PRICE__: 0.00 (3000 __CREDITS__) / 1 Account
__OFFER_ENDS__: Mar-08-2025 05:49:01 AM
__SELLER__: sellerprogemes offline
Account Details: 26 Cosmetics. 4 Skins. 0 V-Bucks. No Games played. No Purchases in EGS. Original (First) Email Access. You can change Password and Email. Email can be changed right after the Purchase You don't need to wait for 3 Months. Outfits: 1. Explorer Emilie 2. Arctic Adeline 3. Guff Gringle 4. Sled Ready Guff Other Cosmetics: 1. Chapter 4 Island Theme 2. Fa-la-la-Llama 3. Ribbon Trail 4. Lil' Prancer 5. Boom Bauble 6. Har-Har-Har! 7. Wintry Whirligig 8. Gringle Gift 9. Slushy Sneak 10. Fractured Melody 11. When the Wind Blows 12. Rip & Tear (2016) 13. Sledgecracker 14. Slush-Faced 15. Season's Guffings 16. Naughty or Nice? 17. Badge of Glory 18. Winning Streak 19. Flakes Grin 20. Clawz Retro 21. Chapter 5 Island Theme 22. Greebles
Step One: Create an account and verify email.
Step Two: Buy GM2P site currency - Credits, and choose the product you want to buy and pay for it.
Step Three: Go to User Center->My Order, contact the seller to complete your order, and if the seller isn't online, please be patient, the seller will reply you soon.
Step Four: Once the seller completed your order, please click the option "Order Completed" and give the seller a review.
Notice: If you meet any problems with the order, you can contact the seller, if the seller didn't contact you over 24 Hours, you can open a dispute or ask for a refund.